Quartet with a strong performance.
With its 22,000 square metres of floor space, the construction site for the Neutor Galerie Dinslaken provides plenty of room – at first glance. But a closer look reveals that it needs a very well-conceived crane concept in order to ensure an efficient turnover on the large area. Outriggers and load curves have to be optimally adapted to suit local conditions. We definitely wanted to place the key crane as far as possible in the middle of the construction site. In doing so it had to be taken into account that it had to be easily dismantled again when the construction measure was completed and there was a building on the site. As always we looked for the right “solo performer” from the available options of the various different manufacturers for the respective ideal place in an efficient quartet.
In this case it was a 315-mt Wolff WK7532.16 crane with a hook height of 60 metres and a working radius of 70 metres. Three other revolving tower cranes completed the ensemble: the Potain MDT 302-mt with a hook height of 42.1 metres and a working radius of 70 metres, another Wolff WK7532.16 crane with 52 metres hook height and 70 metres working radius, and a Liebherr 140 EC-H 6Li with a hook height of 36 metres and a working radius of 55 metres. This crane concept supported the rapid construction progress. A 400-tonne mobile crane was used for the complicated dismantling of the centrally-located crane. This first had to be fitted at a suitable place with a 49 metre-long jib, in order to then be able to move to its working position.
Because of the confined available space, cooperation with the City of Dinslaken and the responsible authorities was necessary in order to work out and implement various different traffic routing measures.
Independence for Dinslaken.
During the construction of the Neutor Galerie in Dinslaken we compiled a team of different cranes from various manufacturers. It’s a good thing that we are able to have a free hand in realising the best solution for you, independent of make. Here the perfect combination was various different Wolff, Liebherr and Potain cranes.